16.60 37.30  incl. VAT

100 percent Arabica

Dark chocolate, roasted almonds, sweetness of ripe red fruits.

Ideal for: Espresso, Moka Pot, Espresso machine, Fully automatic machine
SKU: EINS Category:
Brand nameSelection One
Geographic locationBrazil - Minas Gerais. Guatemala - Guatemala ZONA 18. Ethiopia - Yirgacheffe, Chelbesa
Harvest seasonBrazil: July-August; Guatemala: February-March; Ethiopia: January-March
VarietyBrazil: Catuai, Guatemala: Red Bourbon; Ethiopia: Welisho und Kurume
ProcessingBrazil: natural, Guatemala: washed; Ethiopia: natural

SELECTION ONE consists of 100 percent Arabicas – an arrangement of Arabica varieties from the Latin American and African highlands.


Additional information

Weight N/A
Packaging size

1000g, 375g

Grinding degree

Whole bean, Grinded: Filter, Grinded: Coldbrew, Grinded: French Press, Grinded: Moka pot, Gemahlen: Siebträger